This is actually the first weekend we have had at home together since we got back from Europe. Yesterday was housecleaning. Today we just drove around doing errands. We drove out to the feed store for litter and hay, stopped at Ezell's for a fried chicken and jalapeno fix and then did a massive shopping trip at Target. Haven't written aboout this exciting a day since we were in Prague.
I've been debating whether to upgrade this computer or just buy a new one, but I can't decide whether to get another laptop or desktop. I found an internal 160G harddrive on sale so I guess I'm upgrading. Now to find the time to put it in. Theoretically it should only take a few minutes, but I've thought that before. Like Arthur yesterday deciding to pop outside and install his new license plates before lunch and then coming back inside about dinnertime. Hadn't counted on rusted bolts. And of course there was the squirrel adventure. Haven't heard anything from the attic.
The evening was homemade pizza and episode two of Lost in Space. It's hokey now, but I loved it when I was a kid, and this one was one of my favorite episodes.
Back to work tomorrow, where it will be insanely busy, but at least I won't have to drive the carpool for another month.
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