I love cryptograms. I have books of them that I have unfortunately not picked up in a while. Time to get back on them again. The blog has been fairly dull lately, so I am going to liven it up by encrypting a phrase or more and leaving it for my readers to solve. I may or may not print the solution the next day, mostly because I will probably forget what I encrypted. It may be something funny, it might be something sad, maybe spiritual, or maybe even raunchy; who knows. It’s just another way to amuse myself.
The phrase I picked today is quite apt. Some things come back and bite you later. I will have to explain the God Box sometime. Right now some things I requested I’m getting and I’m not happy about it. Lessons are sometimes not necessarily painful, but decidedly uncomfortable and keep you pissed off till you finish learning them.
It’s almost time to go home. I have committed myself to cleaning the attic. We have a contractor coming on Sunday to take a look at it and give us a bid to remodel it. I’ve already received a quote from the furnace people, and sometime this week I hope to get a bid on my roof. It’s going to be a while before things get started, but a lot of the stuff up there needs cleaning out anyway and I feel motivated tonight. I have left instructions to seal me in up there and not let me out till I’m done.
To be continued…
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