So Coco Bongo was an adventure. We were picked up at the hotel at 10:15, after getting home from Chichen Itza at 8. I kind of figured we were in trouble when they announced dire penalties if we threw up in the bus on the way home.
The club was an amazing place. It was absolutely packed and we got there 15 minutes before show time. We were handed as we walked in the door, a drink and a shot of tequila. All drinks were included in the admission price, and the crowd was well primed.
The show was terrific. The problem was we were in standing room. (We were supposed to stand from 11 to 3.) We were also in front of an entrance point so people coming and going and waiters pushing through left us feeling thoroughly beaten up after a while. I was not disappointed when Scott announced he had had enough after about an hour and a half of pummeling. I could have really enjoyed the show if we had a table on one of the balconies.
We fought our way out and just started exploring the club district of Playa del Carmen. We found a small fun club up the street and hung out there till about 2:30.
After my experience with the bus trip to Chichen, we figured if we waited for the bus at 3:30, it would be probably 5 before we got back to the hotel. We decided to take a taxi instead Turns out we were right. Others from the hotel confirmed it took an hour and a half to get back. We got back in 15 minutes.
Next, swimming with the dolphins...
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