Things are starting to come together here at Urban Waters.
Tom just stopped and asked my if Braden had passed by and I realized I am
getting to where I can tune out what is going on around me. It was very distracting
for a long time. I am right outside the staircase, so there is a lot of traffic
going past my cubicle. We have also had the ceiling lights on which are quite
bright. Today we found that by leaving the ceiling lights off and overriding
the automatic shades, the light is a lot more pleasant, and it’s easier
to concentrate.
The mass specs seem to be all operational. Extractions will
take a bit more work since all the tubing on the extraction equipment needs to
be replaced to accommodate the chilled water system. The pressure is higher
than it was at the old lab and the old hoses blew off when they were hooked up.
I’m settled in my cubicle and am finding it quite
comfortable and very convenient.
I think life in general is showing signs of settling down.
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